Tag Archives: polishing
The Elusive Tam O’Shanter Hone… Mourning the Loss… Seeking a Substitute.
Many years before I ever saw one, I had heard of the mystical Tam O’Shanter Hones (also called Water of Ayr Stones, Snake Stones, or simply Scotch Stones). Touted by old hands in the jewelry business as the best no-fuss … Continue reading
Micro Sanding Strips
If you are in the habit of doing elaborate and detailed piercing, you have probably discovered that it’s easy to make crevasses and crannies with a saw blade that are tough to clean up and finish with even the smallest … Continue reading
Make Your Own Lemel Trap
Every year I cut a LOT of silver wire into tens of thousands of jump rings. As the saw bites through the precious metal, it throws off lemel, the metal equivalent of sawdust. Unlike sawdust, silver lemel remains precious, and … Continue reading